I started carving about 8yrs ago. My wife wanted a bird to put on a shelf. At first it was all song birds and animals. Then went to decorative decoys. Then 2yrs ago a felow hunter asked me to cave him some working decoys. Have been keeping busy carving cork decoys from that time on. I never had a chance to work with another carver. Had to learn from the books. Books by Burke, Chesser, and Veasey have been a big help.
I do not use much power carving in my work. I like to see the chips flying off the knife blade. Use wood working tools for the most part. I carve the heads from cedar. The keels are hardwood, with lead weight. I carve the body from Wiley cork. I paint with Golden Acrylics. Have used oils but like the acrylics best.
My favorite decoy to carve is the woodduck But will cave for the customer.
As to who my favorite carver is; There are too many good ones to name just one. Most of them are good people that are willing to help anyone. And for that I say thanks to them all.
I have not taken any of my work to a contest yet. Hope to soon. But up to this point it has been the cuctomer and the ducks that have been the judge. And they have treated me real good up to this point.
The only tip I would have is; Try to carve each decoy a little better than the last one you did,you will make yourself better as you go along. And put your name on them. Down the road someone will want to know who the carver was.
If anyone wishes to get in touch with me. You can find me at;
Chuck's Decoys
Chuck Firestone
390 Hickory Lane
Salem,Ohio 44460